January 11, 2011

sweet hearts

I was so excited to get the opportunity to go to my son's kindergarten classroom and do some projects with his friends to take to Haiti.  The boys and girls worked on some self portraits, learned about the US flag and the Haitian flag, and helped me with my Hearts for Haiti project (more on that later).  I was super impressed that they asked such really smart questions.  I noticed how much they wanted to connect with children from another country, and how eager they were to contribute.  Thank you so much Mrs. R for allowing me to share my journey, and thank you so much kindies for helping fill our hearts for Haiti.  Your artwork is AMAZING!  I can't wait to visit with you again when I get back.

My name is Meghan.   I live with my husband and two sons in a small town in Colorado.  We are teaching our little boys about being good citzens.  Helping neighbors, helping friends.  Not only in our town, but in the world.  I will be helping to document our trip to Haiti on this blog and hoping you will follow along. 

1 comment:

Jennie said...

You are officially my ROCKSTAR... I am so outta the loop but sister, this is amazing... I am SO gonna sponser me a heart (or 2)... love it... let me know if there is anything I can do to help you out with this... need a shirt? I know a chick in Arkansas who would LOVE to whip one up just for you....